[PDF] A Textbook of Machine Design

A Textbook of Machine Design by R.S.KHURMI AND J.K.GUPTA

Name: A Textbook Of Machine Design
Author: R.S.Khurmi , J.K.Gupta
Page: 1251
Size: 27Mb

Table Of Content:-
1. Introduction ...1–15
2. Definition. 2. Classifications of Machine Design.
3. General Considerations in Machine Design.
4. General Procedure in Machine Design.
5. Fundamental Units. 
6. Derived Units. 
7. System ofUnits. 
8. S.I Units (International System of Units).
9. Metre. 
10. Kilogram. 
11. Second. 
12. Presentation
of Units and their values. 
13. Rules for S.I. Units.
14. Mass and Weight. 
15. Inertia. 
16. Laws of Motion.
17. Force. 
18. Absolute and Gravitational Units of
19. Moment of a Force. 
20. Couple. 
21. Mass
22. Mass Moment of Inertia. 
23. Angular
24. Torque. 
25. Work. 
26. Power.
27. Energy.

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